Friday, July 24, 2009

pen on!


aku nak pegi amek exam trial SPM jap!

  • u can pray foe me.
  • u can apologies me.
  • u can miss me.
  • u can't be me!

haihhh..kan senang kalo aku ada mesin bley tuka orang len masuk badan aku, peh tu, die gi sit foe the exam, then die buat elok-elok, bagi dapat seratus suma paper.. then aku tukar balik badan ngn dia, rejam dia dalam sungai bagi takde orang tau, tapi aku tak matikan dia, sebab nanti spm betul nak pakai dia lagi. hah! best siot camtu!


current status?

oh dunia. bantulahh aku.

ade ke patut, seseorang yang telah anda tinggalkan walaupun tanpa rela,(ini kes cheyynta ye!) berpura-pura seperti anda tidak pernah meninggalkan beliau, walhal anda telah berkali-kali meminta ampun & maap kerana terpaksa meninggalkan beliau walaupun tanpa persetujuan kedua-dua belah pihak lantas anda sering kali mengelak daripada berhubungan dengan beliau untuk beberapa detik namun lalety ini, beliau semakin menunjukkan kesungguhan untuk membatalkan cerai tersebut dengan alasan-alasan menyayat hati dan hujung-hujung jari anda dan menyebabkan lagu2 jiwang seperti 'cinta untuk nabila','winter sonata','ada untukkmu' dan 'relaku pujuk' semakin berrentakkan dan meruntun perasaan, yang akhirnya menyebabkan anda...

..berasa patut kembali kepada beliau?

siapa sayangsss siapa? :[

"I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete."

penah tak korang rasa susah bila
korang sayang amat sama orang?

begitu juge

orang-orang itu sayang amat
sama korang?

sayang sekolahhh?

off for two days.

"sekolahh saya yang indah dan disayangi ramai itu telah membenarkan banduan2 ungunya bercuti sependek DUA HARI. oklarrr. tambah2 tuk orang cam aku yang da lama tak pijak ambal rumah dan makan pakai sudu garfu ibu nehh."

Monday, July 20, 2009

live up hopes!

english assignment :
My Aim for This Coming Trial And The Strategies I Have To Achieve It!

There is less than 2 weeks for me to sit for the trial exam. Its not about ‘just an exam’,but definitely more than that. Referring on my recent mid-year result, I think nobody will do good judgement on what I have done on pursueing the dream ,
or to be exact : the ainnabila’s dream.

so,what’s next? the dream is still the dream.
the difference is now, the dream will be follow by an appropriate effective actions.
The dream was always running ahead of me.
To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it,
that was the miracle. When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream.
When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.
So, I will share my dream with the world with the people I love, with the people who love me and with the people I want to achieve the dream with.
Straight A’s.
Some men see things as they are and say, "Why?"
I dream of things that never were and say, "Why not?".
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving,
you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all.
And so today I still have a dream.
so, in achieving my goal in this trial,
I would definitely put my hardest effort.
I hope the remaining time is adequate to do some preparation.
I will struggle very hard to revise on topics especially the form five topics as I have not mastered in the topics yet compared to last year’s topics.
I don’t care not to sleep all night long to do revisions and exercise.
Even, I don’t even bother to leave my recess time without having
any meal or a trip to canteen..
though it is a suffer to me.
I appreciate the every moment I have and are always in plan
that the time will benefits me.
I pray yassin and tawakkal a lot to The Almighty..
in doing my final acceleration,
I really hope that the person who inspires
me the most will still intends to do that always.
We are all motivated by a keen desire for praise,
and the better a man is,
the more he is inspired to glory.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

reflect thoughts on PPSMI.

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
seseorang yang maseh berharap untuk terus berkaseh dengan bekas kekasehnya yang bernama nab.

2. Saya sedang mendengar :
lagu ngong yang mengulang2 perkataan jay-hooooo!

3. Mungkin saya patut :
behenti sekolah dan keje kat fast fuds.

4. Saya TAK suka :
dipanggil ain oleh orang yang saya sayanggg.

6. Saya tak paham :
vector,add maths. electronics,phisics.

7. Saya kehilangan :
kaca mata beberapa minggu lalu akibat dicilok pencilok semase weddin pak cik saia.

8. Ramai yang berkata :
mereka sayang saya. haha

9. Makna nama saya :

10. Cinta itu adalah :
satu perkataan.

12. Saya akan cuba :
mencuba apa apa yang boleh dicuba.

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
degil! haha. tu cam diri sendiri tuhhh..

14. Telefon bimbit saya :
selalu mandi bersama tuannye. TQ

15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
saya akan pandang kanan dan tidur balik...

16. Saya paling meluat apabila :
melihat orang yang saya meluat..haihh

17. Pesta/Parti adalah :
medium komunikasi dan wahana sosialisme.

18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
tiada haiwan yang saya rasekan comel. tapi tahukan anda memerang tinggal dalam air? haha

19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :

20.Hari ini :
sake kena belajar kimia sebelum makan lunch. perhhhh, sikse!

21. Malam ini saya akan :
ada kelas bioloGy! wadushhhh
iron baju sekolah seap2! (arinehh pakai baju tak iron datang sekolah sbb blackout tadi pagi!)

22. Esok pula saya akan :
tidak tidur dalam kelas dan berharap ada cikgu yang bermurah hati (spt ckgu english) yang mawu bawak kitowang ke lab nehh!

23. Saya betul-betul inginkan :
9A1----menjadi seorang peguam, tidak ditinggalkan.

24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
buruknye baju tak ironn!

25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :
sweetest things.

26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun :

27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
terang pasti.

28. Makanan segera adalah :
makanan ruji ainnabila sehingga dia menghidap beberapa penyaket separa kronik dala idupnye..

29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang:
pinjam pendrive? ( kat amy tadi sbb tak de pdrive dehhh)



nab rase hari ni,
"why are people always leaving?"
its hard foe me to rite now..
this picture demn fascinated. though it was just a color pencils arranged together. it means more than just a picture dear people.


i dont knoe i feel so closed to this phrase.
myb the situation atm is vry much related to this.

im bigger than my sistahh.

theres no reason foe me to post this. just wanna tell my sister that i miss her demn much. dehhhh.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

quotie shuqqie

" You know what's the worst thing
about somebody breaking up with you?
It's when you remember
how little you thought about
the people you broke up with
and you realize
that is how little they're
thinking of you.
You know, you'd like to think you're both
in all this pain but they're just like
"Hey, I'm glad you're gone ".
t h i s i s n o t w h a t I f e e l o n h i m.

just to share

Interview Tips:

Do some research on the business before the interview. (See "How to Find a Job," "Research the Employer.")

Practice interviewing

Go alone. Do not take children or friends.

Greet the employer with a handshake.

Make frequent eye contact.

Smile, be polite, and try to relax.

Answer questions as directly as possible.

Be upbeat and make positive statements.

If you've worked before, talk about what you learned from it.

Use examples of how your skills and abilities would fit the job.

Bring your "Fact Sheet" with telephone numbers and addresses of your references and former employers, just in case you are asked to complete an applicatin.

tapi yang paling penting,kena bawak


and nab still dont have the sheets yet. helllar..o