Friday, June 12, 2009



*that's explained everything.

nab akan bersekolah asrama penuh(ingat best ke?)
pokok sena sampai August,at least.
memang ****!

take care,jangan nakal-nakal. (:
ingat nab selalu.


Nab Sayang Kamu!

haha. tengs ye sebab tolong reload prepaid nab. (:

susah ke folio?


huray! akernya manusia pemalas dipanggil nab telahpun menyudahhkan folio addmaths nye.(sumpah sikse!)

38 ucapan terimakasih wat mohsan n kawan die dari syed sheh science school yang berjaya menjadikan folio deme sbg scribdd. haihhhh.(38 sbb page nye 38).

  • nab copy jer dari web
  • suruh adek nab buat garis2 atas A4 (wajib tulis tangan)
  • paksa adek sorg gi plak surf gambar
  • tulis cantek2
  • gunting
  • lekattt!
semudah itu!!

Wahaha! nab gumbira. dalam masa 3 jam 40 minit, berjaya sudei folio itu. naty diuploadkan pic nye wahai kalian.

haahahahahahahahaahahahaha (gelak nada ahmad albabb!)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

tag terbaru.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
react seperti perwire samurai yang dapat pedang baru. test..test..

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
jadik lawyer mesia, dakwe israel,pastikan dorang sume meringkuk sampai mati dalam penjara kajang. haha

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
tayang2 kat depan bill gates. mana tau die jatuh hati ngn nab.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
we were. so tiada pandang belakang.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?.
i blessed someone who loved me. they shud be grateful. nanana

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
3 minit setengah?

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
attached myself together with them. so kite tengok sapa lagi kuat terlekat?

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
nayyyy. tak nak actin,kang liz hurley tak leh cari makan.

10. What takes you down the fastest?
bukan skateboard. Jeep mungkin? hahaha

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
26. cantik.

12. What’s your fear?
atm, andai nab gagal dapat straight a's.

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
definitely single and rich.

15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
angkat kepala? tu kot. tak kan angkat kaki terus?

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
teramat depends.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
the third one. so simple.

18.would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?

tak selalu.

19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
oh shit. depends lar ngongg.

20.List 6 people to tag
amek lar sesape nak. it wasnt fun. ):

deflated me.

i'll be back in school TOMORROW. this is an unpleasant thought. it isn't so because of the prospect of school, but mostly because i am running out of time to do the things i've meticulously exercised in my mind. when you make yourself a concrete picture in your mind, it materializes itself, but with a lazy, sleepy soul like mine, it's without effort that the battle is lost. i am not complaining. i say that because i can't complain.

there is time left yet to do something. most of them involves making up for the screwing up. damn, you know, i had so much hope for all that warm, fuzzy, cuddly positive stuff. i was gonna make it happen. i was pumped up. and then. and then i deflate myself. that's what. does it even help letting this all out? all i wanted to do was write. and this comes out. i guess being creative isn't something i'd like to do too. there is a long to-do list which items are of equal top priority, which i keep crossing out everyday not for completing the task, but from not wanting to do. i feel crappy. this is crap writing.

it's a miserable job as sbp student, a miserable party, a miserable time. everything is a miserable gig with a miserable self. i agree.

my way of loosening up is different form yours. we define our own world. so you may give me the advice, but don't think that you're doing me a favor by dictating me your way of doing it.haha.

P/s: sekadar melepaskan tekanan as tomorrow will be such a hell.

pity nab

thank the heavens there are still openings for me to run away when the noise gets too loud. yes, perhaps it is a fair observation to say that it is just the way somebody is playing his role, but i find it unjust if he fails to have some courtesy for how others are just playing their role too. i hate being in a conflict when i am by hierachy lower than the party i am having a friction with. you know why? because you cant fucking do anything but scream to yourself in a secluded area at dissatisfaction, frustration, and above all, anger. i cant open my big mouth and tell them off because then i would just look like an apprentice of the devil. not that you give me much credit for having opinion anyway, because all the while you are the only one who gets to speak your mind. i have to repress myself and although my troubles may be more significant than yours, they pale in comparison purely from your voicing out yours seemingly fishing for pity.but i am telling you, if that day should come when your noise exceeds the threshold whereby i am able to compose myself and escape first before i let loose all that screaming, i may just let you witness my head exploding and i wouldnt mind much for whatever else at that moment other than releasing an aching heaviness building up inside my thorax and skull. and an outsider might just say you asked for it.

so,what can usay?
pity nab??

lalalia nab baikla!

my reply comment that i ve wrote to
ms aira,16,ssp malay debater.

  • haihhh. no need to call me kakak2. u can just treat me as ur fren then. thx btw foe ezzah's acc. ssp ader record any video of urs tak? gimme some bley? add me at my ym & i can make u love bahas lotsa more.
    ini kata-kata yang seluruh hidupnye di her sec scul diabadikan untuk bahas & bahas. sayang sungguh i cant make everybody proud of that. cheiss. btw, i thk u hv potential n credibility of good debater. just put some efforts n commitments ther & u ll feel the sweet taste of bitter hardwork. do believe in me. sorry if u dont feel comfort but i prefer to text in eng..

dewa tak nab nehh?
haha.dah la kalah kat second round,
boley plak wat teror kat budak yang da sampai semi finale pun.
chaet! dear aira..
im not emphasizing masef to you but believe me
that altho we didnt hv the rezeki to perform at the final,
we actually have the great faith inside,
which is invisible to anybody.

but the truth is, no matter how or who the person is,
as long as she wanna share some great things wif you,
its really & honour if you can just accept it.

dear aira,
of all juniors in recent HK, i tot ther was no others whu can perform similar lik you.
the uniqueness n talent of you astounded me much.
stay,be you, & just do the improvement.

salahguna salahguna

folio add maths yang ngongg!

mengikut jadua
l(yang dibuat serta-merta beberapa saat tadik),
nab suppose to do her assignment on additional mathematics folio NOW!
apa? ulang,ulang..

cerdiknye ko nab..(AMINNN)bley lagik ko maen2 blog..aiseh.
dah la..malas nak flirt kat cne, pegi wat folio lahhhhh! haha

bodoh ko nab.

What I am to you is not real
What I am to you, you do not need
What I am to you is not what you mean to me
You give me miles and miles of mountains
and I'll ask for the sea.

to whom it may concern.. do forgive me on what ive said to you. hell,it my regression.if only i have the power to undo things.


tengs ay-lahhh.

15 tags on what i ve learnt this 2009.

1. it is perfectly okay to be a superfreak/dork/nerd/geek/skema/hidup dalam dunia sendiri.

2. i should never depend on anyone else but myself. even the bestest of friends can be aliens in times of extreme need. kan solie?

3. i am a slave to technology; i can not lived just fine for one hour without texting anyone, thanks to a completely samsung omnia.

4. losing weight is in fact, easy peasy. keyword : extreme discipline plus herculean willpower.

5. the perfect guy does exists. but he's also terribly imperfect in many ways. sigh, the irony. because that just makes him all the more desirable to my silly stubborn self. cue knock on head for obvious stupidity and lack of reasonable judgement.ini semua orang setuju..

6. running away from home repeatedly does not make me feel any less miserable with regards to the condition at home, nor does it proof any valid point. lagi nampak macam immature brat adalah.

7. men truly do have only one thing on their minds. which is totally fine, we women kinda do as well.

8. at the end of the day, i still can never be part of an all-girls group of friends. all the emphasis on the nitpickiest things, the catty competition, the drama. argh. ingat aku ni spice girls material ke apa?

9. emotional attachment is not an impossible thing for me to achieve. and now i know it's totally not fun either. only terribly emotionally-draining (go figure) and motherfuckingly frustrating.

10. prozac, valiums and xanax, baby. anxiety and insomnia are such full-blown bitches.

11. growing my hair as long as alanis morissette's or *shudder* janis joplin's, can be pretty. if i am actually aiming to look like a rock kangkang groupie sesat in sainal. or a kurus version of ozzy osbourne.

12. i have such supergreat wonderful exes. it seems that they're always the people i can run to, regardless of whether they can be here for me in the physical sense. i love each and every one of them.esp my dear shuq-qie (:

13. i should not, repeat, should not, spend most of my allowance on reload cards. it apparently doesn't give that much personal satisfaction, only encourage unreasonable activities.

14. i should really stop being so uptight when it comes to those who aren't in my close circle of friends. people might be more friendly if i am to be more forgiving about the things other people do that annoy me.

15. i am very adept in the art of torturing myself.

nab super-sayang!

"Its not about being what everyone else
want to be,
its about being yourself
and finding someone
who loves every bit of it"

today, I really found out this quotes damn true.
bayangkan.. dengan setiap satu daripada perangai nab adalah
membuatkan orang benci
dan terlalu keanak-anakan..
nab masih lagi mau menjadi dirinya. dan cuba teka?

ada orang yang sayangkan nab sebab tu!
hell cool (^.^)

perwira anti-durian yang demam.


alkisah, nab baru okey from demam. pastinya bukan chikungunya or influenza H1N1.
punca demam aku adalah benda paling bodoh yang nab takut dalam hidup ne.

apakah itu : menjejak kaki di rumah orang. CHAET!

tu la umi.. pegi lagi tido rumah mak usu. aiyo..saat nab menjejakkan kakinye di ambal rumah banglo 3 tingkat milik pokcik bakoie(kelantanese nehh), ok telah berselawat dengan banyaknye. masuk rumah,salam2..(da ketar2 da lutut nabb) then nab pun pegi duduk diam2 kat living room di tingkat 2. (serious diam) text2 org..cooling downn..ok jer.

malam pun tibe. solat. caj phone & bersua lahh nab dgn orang ramai di dapur.

perghhhhh. sekali ada pulut durian da... chaet! hancur hati nab. berderai-derai rasanya bulu-bulu hidung nab nehh dek bau yang ala-ala tuhh! memang tekanan habes ar. then..kezen2 (2 3 orang budak separa mumaiyiz) pun jemput2 nab makan menda alah tuh.

hah!mati idup balik pun nab tak akan makan dehh!

jadi peeps : itulah punca yang telah menyebabkan nab demam(2 hari 2 malam), tidak lalu makan,pening2 kepala.. sebab utama,kena tido,makan,minum di rumah pokcik nab di kelantan nun..sebab kedua,terlampau terkejut dek hidangan makan malam pada malam itu.

so,apa reaksi umi?

nab : tu la umi..kan elok kalau pegi je terus check-in kat renaissance..yang pegi tido situ dulu sape suruh..(dengan tune suara sorg yang demam & bersweater kat seat blakang kete)

umi : kamu larr anak paling susah nak bagi besar..(ayat klise umi nab)

hah? lagi???

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me

And do you think I'm wasting my time
Doing things I wanna do
But it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make itI just wanna make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you I can't pretend that I'm alright
And you can't change me cause we lost it all'
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
I try not to think About the pain
I feel inside Did you know you used to be my hero
All the days you spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore

perhhh. nab penat. ):

Friday, June 5, 2009

SAINA vs Sains Macheyy

aku masihh lagi di posisi sama.



kami konfident jugaklar dengan tajuk ne. haha. tak sangka betul masin mulut ayie. as kitowg dapat bye, sempat jugaklarr sembang2 pasal expected usul. and dier lak asek sebut mat rempit. mat rempit. haha.

apa yang menariknya, usul ne mengingatkan kami inter-u debate yang penah kami enjoy tengok sesama ( sebab asal tgk video je, kami wat cm tgk film! ) hah hah. (as we do believe that bahas is so exciting, ngiaaa). tajuk inter-u debate tu adela "KEKERASAN WAJAR DIBALAS KEKERASAN".

ade hubungkait kan? heh heh heh.

sejam dalam quarantin tu memang fun habes! plus, kami dapek usher yang sporting n rela berkorban! (dalam erti kata sebenar). :)

Tengs so mushie2 FAZLINA. (ceni kot spelling nye!)LOL.
"ko memang sporting habes, kiyut n susahh ar kitowg nak lupa"

next, masukla dalam BBO8. (bilik bahas 08).
gementar jugak. aleh2 oppo kitowang tu mmg muka yakin tahap gaban ahhh! wah ha ha.
first speker laki, followed by pempuans. machang-ster punya faces! kuang3

i rase dat we hd performed very well n the most important is that we hd enjoyed the match damn much. lupe plak nak cakap dat mat rempit nehh da sampai tahap di label samseng jalanan. aduh. usul ni tak bias. but foe me, myb sebab konsep pembangkang tak kukuh & tak dibawa dengan jelas. sedikit memberi ruang untuk aku hentam. ( ni kerja stereotype 3rd speker). ngeeehh.

USUL DITERIMA. alhamdulillahhh.. (:

rentetan drpdn kemenangan sulung ne, saina meneruskan pencaknya untuk kembali beraksi hebat. tempoh dua tahun kami berehat dari pentas final dirasakan sudah sampai ke penghujungnya. semangat para pembahas saina terus dibakar tanpa henti oleh semua pihak dek kemenangan sulung ini.

seperti diinject dengan rubella barang setengah liter. serious.
we were to eager to make the "everyone's dreams come true".

ikuti episod selanjutnya. (:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ssp,cyber. (:

baw balik HK.

HARI KECEMERLANGAN SBP di Sekolah Seri Puteri, cyber.

untuk posting pertama nehhh, akan aku ceritakan terlebih dahulu the overall view.

frankly speking, foe me, this hk mmg layak d-categoried as "the concourse of intelegentcia".

yup, tu ape yg i rase wehhh.

btw, congratulations to all ssp-ians as korg suma mmg superb, friendly habes, profesional, n boley maintain ur pure typical 'bdak sbp's treats'. haha. aku salute korg!
kitowg disambut oleh tengku nabila. mmg nampak nerd.. tapi tu lahh sebenarnye muka2 prefects kat sbp ne.. aku je tak mcm tuh.. haha..
our high expectations met the target. yeahh, nice intro.

tak lame pas tuhh,,

JUA !!!
ne la jeritan pertama aku kat ssp nun.

shakirah najua. ne kawan aku. ssp. one of my bestiest.
hyper-kelakar-santekkk-fun to get along wif.
sekampung & se-birthdayy. :) kawan sampai mati wehhhh.
p/s : aku takkan lupe k0 pggl cikgu talib (our pk koko) pakcik! haha..
n tengs for the wholenite that we spent wisely tu ek? haha..

senarionye adalahh hostel yang ok-ok.
facilities yang almost perfect.
cyber kiosk tuhh mmg best btw.
cantik bebudaknye.nampak pandai cm aku.
ade court lawnbowl. (yg membuatkan tchr lidya excited. hah hah)
cantik viewnyer. (macam saina gak ahhh) aku gelak tipu.
seia-sekata. (tergamam gak arr aku bile dorg cheer the scuds reramai) haihhhhh

& thx a lot for giving us an air-conditioned quarantine room. ahaks.
(aku nehhh lembut ati sket if temperature rendahh!)

btw,, warung2 yang tersedia tuhh betul2 dahh makan duet aku kaw2. (korg tak bley imagine jumlahh nye) i regret jugakklahh. haha..
kat situ gakk, i met azalia - ssp's captain.
i tak tegur die pun, malas. but myb she noticed me. sowe babe, aku betul2 da set otak aku nehhh for my major trust- bahas. neway, congrats to ur team as u tingtong to finals. it worth u n ur team myb. (: all the best then.

n yeahh, i hv the chance to meet the head girl. (yg terus jen aku nonong2 report pasal jua yang selambabadak je pggl pk koko kitowg pakcik!) haha.
nice n full potential. die tak mcam rose amira (former headgirl). budak2 ssp mesti tawu kenapa aku ckp mcm ne. kan?? atm, aku terus rs cm aku shake hand dgn pekerja sektor awam. serious matured terokk sedari headgirl itu. i wish u cud do better than rose had done b4. gud luck as i cn c tht u hv sometg beneath ur physical treats whc i cant put it into words yet. hey, u knoe urself better rite? put them all into ur actions please.

and i think that i shall show some gratitudes ere to evrybody that had incharged esp the hi-com n the loyals prefects on duty, orion 0509, hermanas 0610, food-servers,usherss, n yeahh, the great teachers, pakcikmakcik kat warung2.. n all parties that not been mentioned above.

you are very much appreciated.

tu je. (: